To help people planning to visit Bali get a general idea of the major hotel areas where most visitors stay, each area map of Bali includes restaurants, temples, tourist attractions, important landmarks and government buildings, some shops together with links to better hotels in the area. That said, the maps are not intended to be street atlases and are not always to scale but you will get a good general idea of what is to be found in the area you plan to be staying in and you will find no shortage of good street maps available upon arrival.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
at 1:38 PMSaturday, May 8, 2010
at 3:00 PMKuta Map Bali
Located in southwestern Bali just minutes from the airport lies Kuta. One of the world's most famous beaches, Kuta first attracted Western surfers with its world renowned surf break followed closely behind by sun worshipers and party goers attracted to its wide stretches of white sandy beach and budget accommodations, cheap restaurants and exciting night life. In the last few years, Kuta has developed into one of the most dynamic resort areas in Asia.
Offering something for every one - whether you are a family traveling with children, single, or on your honeymooners, you will find something to like about Kuta. Even if you stay in another part of Bali, a visit to Kuta is a must, if you do not visit Kuta you have not been to Bali.
Offering something for every one - whether you are a family traveling with children, single, or on your honeymooners, you will find something to like about Kuta. Even if you stay in another part of Bali, a visit to Kuta is a must, if you do not visit Kuta you have not been to Bali.
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